Dr. Maybel Fernandez Vallado
Dr. Maybel Fernandez Vallado
Dr. Maybel Ferandez Valladohas a Ph.D. in Communication and her qualifications include:
English Language Teaching in ESL (English as a Second Language) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Technical Writing, Journalism, Basic Communication Skills, Speech Communication, Broadcast Communication, Communication Research, and Thesis Writing.
She has researched on various topics on English Language Teaching and Communication; a former Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for Linkages; an Editor, Writer and Extension and Community worker as well. She is also a Module Writer for Distance Education.
Educational Background
She earned her Ph.D. in Communication College of Mass Communication, University of the Philippines (U.P. Diliman), Quezon City, Philippines (June 1998 – November 2003). She was a University and College scholar as well. (2nd Sem. AY 98-99 University Scholar; 1st Sem. AY 99-00 College Scholar; 2nd Sem. AY 99-00 University Scholar); Master of Education (English as a Second Language) Division of Professional Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines (U.P. Visayas), Iloilo City, Philippines (July 1994 – April 1997); B.A. Communication (Broadcast Communication) University of the Philippines (U.P. Diliman), Quezon City, Philippines (June 1986 – October 1991).
Level of English
She is fluent in oral and written English and had taught English in University and College for 17 years.
Teaching Experience
She was a Lecturer, International Foundation Programme (IFP), (May 2008 – Feb 25, 2012) Gulf College, Sultanate of Oman, in affiliation with Staffordshire University, UK and was Module Leader – IFP Academic English, and IFP Business English; Module Tutor – Intensive Course (Speaking), IFP General English, IFP Communication Skills, IFP Integrated Project , IFP Academic English, IFP Business English Pre-IFP; She was an Assistant Professor (June 1995 to March 2010) University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines teaching Basic Communication Skills, Speech Communication, Broadcast Communication, Broadcast Research, Technical Writing, Introduction to Mass Communication, Management and Production of a Community Newspaper; She was also a Lecturer, EWorld International University, Ortigas, Philippines (September 2006 – March 2007) on Instructional Design (Organizing for Instruction, Qualities of Effective Teachers, Differentiating Instructions, Multiple Intelligences, Student Centered Approach); Teacher’s Effectiveness Training (The Effective Teacher, Positive Expectations, Cooperative Learning and Culture, Lesson Mastery, Classroom Management); Enhancing Essential Skills (Teacher’s Paradigm Modification, Planning Strategies, Multiple Intelligences, Exploring Behavioral Objectives Considerations in Planning Instructional Materials, Lesson Planning, Instructional Strategies); Likewise as Lecturer, English Language Course for Koreans from Kangnung National University Students, OCEP (January 7- February 4, 2004) University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City Campus, Philippines; additional assignments as Lecturer for Technical Writing, CHED (Commission on Higher Education), Massive Upgrading Program, (Aug. 23 – Oct. 11, 1997 and June 28 – Aug. 16, 1997) University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, Philippines; as Tutor in Communication, Learning Resource Center (LRC), 2nd Semester (June – September) 1997 University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines; Tutor, Intensive English Course to Mr. La Sara and Mr. Irwan Junaidi, Indonesian graduate students of UP Visayas-College of Fisheries, Iloilo, Philippines (July 1- September 30, 1997); Lecturer (Also prepared instructional materials for module in the Intensive English Course for Korean students), Intensive English Program for Korean Students, OCEP University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City Campus, Philippines (July 1996); Lecturer, Intensive English Program for Korean students University of the Philippines Visayas Iloilo City Campus, Philippines (July 3 – August 20, 1995)
Employment History
She has worked as a Freelance Writer and Editor, writing on various topics assigned to her since July 2014 up to the present. She’s currently a Consultant/Module Writer for the Asian Institute for Distance Education (AIDE), Philippines since 22 April 2017. She was a Lecturer, International Foundation Programme, Gulf College, Sultanate of Oman in affiliation with Staffordshire University, UK, from May 2008 – Feb 25, 2012. A Faculty Member, Division of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, from June 1995 – March 2010 with additional assignments as Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, (in charge of Linkages for local and international clients, exchange students) UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines (June 1, 2005 until October 31, 2005). She was also Publication Circulations Officer II, Information and Publication Office, University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines from Jan – May 1995.
Research/Other Scholarly Activities
Her research and other scholarly activities include: (1) Executive Editor DANYAG, Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo Philippines,
(January – June 2008 issue); (2) Professorial Lecture “Empowering Women through Communication: A Case Study of Katuwang Resource, Inc.” CAS, UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines on March 14, 2008; (3) Paper Presenter “Using Media Technology in Educational Psychology” 3rd Philippine Association for Language Teachers (PALT) International Conference, Manila, Philippines, December 4-6, 2007; (4) Proponent "Defining Assertions," an Interactive Multimedia Instructional Material for Communication 2 & Eng 10 students, UP Visayas, Miagao Iloilo; (5) Proponent "An Evaluation Study of ISBL," a completed research UP Visayas, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, August 16, 2007; (6) Paper Presenter "Empowering Women through Communication: A Case Study of Katuwang Resources, Inc."; (7) Paper Presenter 2nd National Conference on Research in Higher Education Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. Mesa Manila, Philippines, February 17-18, 2006; (8) Primary Author, Researcher and Paper Presenter “Dynamics of Communication in Micro-Finance Projects: A Communication Model for Women Empowerment." 1st UP Visayas Graduate Conference, UP Visayas, Iloilo City Campus, Philippines, September 2005; (9) Primary Author, Researcher and Paper Presenter "The Critical Issue of Meeting Diverse Needs of Students: A Case Study of Cooperative Learning in CEU" HUSOCOM, National Conference on Research in Higher Education Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines, December 3-4, 2004; (10) Author "Dynamics of Communication of Women Involved in Microfinance Projects."DANYAG. UP Visayas Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, UP Visayas, Iloilo, Philippines, 2004; (11) English Editor "Research and Development of Value-Added Projects from Full-Grown Milkfish” Philippine Council IE for Research and Development (PCIERD), Philippines funded project, February 1, 2004-March 31, 2004; (12) Language Editor, Proceedings of the National Seminar Workshop on Framework Development for Fisheries Extension. 2004. Iloilo, Philippines: College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, U.P. in the Visayas. 243 p, 2004; (13) Writer and Researcher “A Case Study of Women in Micro-Finance Projects: A Communication Model for Women Empowerment” Unpublished Dissertation, October 2003 U.P. College of Mass Communication, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, (14) Writer, UPV Newsletter, UP Visayas, Iloilo, Philippines, November-December 2002; September-October 2002; Editor, Annual Report ,UPV Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, UP Visayas, Iloilo, Philippines, 2001; Editor, The Katipunan in Aklan (Book) National Centennial Commission, Philippines, 1997; Editor, Reflections,UPV Ugnayan ng Pahinungod publication, Iloilo, Philippines, 1996; and, Writer, UPV Newsletter, UP Visayas, Iloilo, Philippines, Jan – May 1995