Maria Carmela Millado-Manuel
- Participatory training methodologies and Facilitation techniques
- Popular Education and Non-formal education technologies (master trainer and author of training manuals)
- Theatre for Development
- Project Management
Country Experience
Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, USA , Brunei Darussalam
Relevant Work Experience
Currently manages Tanghalang Pilipino Foundation Inc., the resident theatre company of the Cultural of the Philippines. Also manages its Theatre for Development Program – using theatre and participative approaches to engage and empower communities.
Between 2013 to 2018, has conducted master training on facilitation skills for actor-facilitators and provided overall project management support for the following:
- Freedom Film Festival, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. Integrated theatre arts workshop to empower voices of young Orang Asli (Indigenous women) women on discrimination and rights to education.
- WATIPA London, UK . Facilitation support in Indonesia and Cambodia . Framework Curricula and module on Intervention to eliminate stigma and discrimination among health workers.
- UNICEF Philippines’ HIV Prevention Education project. T4D4HIV included community workshops facilitated by the Actors Company in select sites, and the staging of the Forum Theater production that engaged young people and health services providers in discussions about HIV, stigma and discrimination.
- UNICEF’s T4D in a Post Haiyan Context – theatre performances and interactive workshops with disaster-affected communities – focusing on Child rights, Adolescent Health & Sexuality, Adolescent Pregnancies and Health Seeking Behaviour
- World Health Organization: Theatre for Development in a Post-Haiyan Typhoon Context (T4DPHC) with the objective of promoting key positive behaviors on health and hygiene, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- VISA Philippines – in cooperation with the Central Bank of the Philippines and Teach for the Philippines – staging and touring of a forum play on Financial Literacy for young people and produced a video version to be used as educational material in classrooms located in remote areas.
Prior to current work in the Philippines, was engaged in various international consultancies, as a Master Trainer on Popular Education and non-formal education, and co-authored the book “POP: A Training Manual for Community Organizer-Facilitators in Southeast Asia.” Has conducted training of trainers all over the Asia-Pacific region. Highlights of international work are as below:
- Co-Facilitator, UNFPA Training of Trainers for Y-PEER leaders in Asia on Adolescent Reproductive Health and Rights (Project Design and Management), Bangkok , Thailand
- Trainer, Popular Communications Program Workshop Series in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
- Trainer, Participatory Approaches on Human Rights Education, The Asia Foundation and UNDP, Cambodia
- Founding member and Training Consultant on Theatre for Development for The Southeast Asia Regional Institute for Community Education (SEARICE), Malaysia
- Project Manager and Master Trainer for the Popular Education Project of Oxfam in Cambodia
- Training Director, After School Program for Children of Filipino Immigrants, Philippine Resource Centre, San Francisco, U.S.A.
- Member of the Summer Faculty, Creative Movement, Creative Dance Institute, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Training Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Trainers’ Training organized by the Asia Council for Peoples’ Culture, Kwang-Ju, South Korea.
- Artists Welfare of the Philippines Inc (AWPI) ( 2013-present ) Member
- Philippine Diplomatic Missions in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Argentina and Poland (1999 – 2012); Diplomatic Spouse and organizer/host of events and activities for Overseas Filipino Workers and the diplomatic community
- PATATAG Music Theatre Group (1987 – 1995); Performer, Finance Manager and Assistant Coordinator
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies 1986
- Maryknoll College Foundation (now Miriam College) Philippines