Prof. Susana Melon-Galvez Ph. D

Dr. Susana Melon-Galvez holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education Major in English, a Master of Arts Degree with Specialization in English Language Arts at Philippine Normal University and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management at Bulacan State University.
After teaching for more than 30 years, she has embraced the responsibility not only to encourage students to learn the language but also for them to realize the value of using the second language to become agents of social change. As a teacher, her role should not be underestimated while she strives and struggles to put her best foot forward to deliver very effectively unmindful of criticisms. To her, commitment and dedication to work is something she owes not to man, that whatever she does to her students is her gift to God.

1. Self-leadership and Self-efficacy as Determinants of Job Performance of
Academic Deans in State Universities and Colleges: Implications to
Management and Leadership (January 24-27, 2018) Bali, Indonesia
2. Intertextuality and the Hedging System of the Filipino ESP Writers: Practices
and Pedagogy 3rd International Conference On Learning and Teaching ICLT 2017
(April 7-9, 2017), Jeju Island, South Korea
3. Functional Translation: Navigating Second Language Acquisition of the K to 12
Filipino Technical Students (April 15-17, 2015) Malatya, Turkey
4. Globalization in Teaching a Second language in Tertiary Schools (May 17, 19 &
20, 2014) Tokyo, Japan
5. Extensiveness and Extendedness in Writing Literary Comprehension Questions
of Filipino ESL Tertiary Learners (January 17-19, 2014) Chang Mai, Thailand
6. Intellectualizing a Not Intellectualized Language: Implications to Second
Language Acquisition (February 7-9, 2013) Bacolod City, Philippines
7. Hedging in Second Language Writing: Implications for Teaching Technical
Correspondence to Filipino Tertiary ESL Students (December 4-6, 2012)
LACUP Malolos Bulacan, Philippines
8. Hedj ng mga Tagalog (December 3, 2012) Bulacan State University Malolos


  1. Idiomaticity Toward Pragmatic – Functional Translation: Navigating Second Language Acquisition and Its Implications to Teaching Filipino Tertiary Learners International Journal of English Language Teaching Vol.6, No.6, pp.1-10, August 2018 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
  2. Self-Leadership and Self-Efficacy as Determinants of Faculty Satisfaction on Academic Deans Job Performance in State Universities and Colleges, Vol.8, Issue 6, and June 2018 issue of ACADEMICIA, ISSN: 2249-7137 Impact Factor: SJIF 2017 = 4.049 (Indexed and Abstracted: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A; GoogleScholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon ProQuest, Primo and Primo Cent., ISRA-JIF, IIJIF)
  3. The Specs in Enhancing Skills: Analysis of Extensive and Extended Responses to Literary Comprehension Questions International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research Vol.6, No 1, pp. 39-50, February 2018 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
  4. Intertextuality and the Hedging System of the Filipino ESP Writers: Practices and Pedagogy (International Journal of Education Vol. 9 Issue 2 February, 2017 pp.149-156 doi
  5. Bridging the Gap Between Filipino Students’ Expectations and Teaching Approaches in ESP Class (Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities – ISSN 2278 – 859X Vol. 3 Issue 4 April 2016 pp. 430 – 454)
  6. Hedging in Second Language Writing: Implications for Teaching Technical Correspondence (Published – Bulacan State University Research Journal 2014)
  7. Hedj and mga Tagalog (TALISIP – Journal ng Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino Published June, 2013)


    1. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management Self-leadership and Self-efficacy as Determinants of Job Performance of Academic Deans in State Universities and Colleges: Implications to Management and Leadership (Bulacan State University, Malolos, Bulacan – February 2018)
    2. Master of Arts in Linguistics (with specialization in English Language Arts) Philippine Normal University (PNU) Manila – March 2005
    3. Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in English Meycauayan College (Meycauayan Bulacan) March 31, 1986

Professional Board Examination for Teachers
Passed – October, 1986

Civil Service Eligibility Board Examination
Passed – October, 1986


        1. Research Coordinator of the College of Arts and Letters (CAL) – present
        2. Faculty Union (FAU) President of the College of Arts and Letters (CAL) Bulacan State University,
          City of Malolos, BulacanNovember, 2015 – present
        3. Research Coordinator of the College of Arts and Letters (CAL)
          Bulacan State University , City of Malolos, Bulacan
          From June, 2012 to August, 2016
        4. Literary Coordinator of Bulacan State University (BulSU) Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan
          June, 2014 – 2018


            1. I2OR Researcher of the Year Awardee 2018
            2. Best Oral Presenter (Diamond Awardee) – IAMURE/PAIR International Conference (2013)
            3. Lecturer/ Resource Person in Seminar/Workshops in English and in Writing and Publishing Research
            4. Coordinator/Facilitator in Literary Events in Bulacan
            5. Judge in Cultural, Literary, and English Language Events in Bulacan

Instructional Materials

            • Preparation and Evaluation of Teaching Materials
            • English Language and Curriculum Instruction
            • Developmental Reading 2 (Lectures and Exercises in Reading)
            • Language Research Writing
            • Learning and Teaching Speaking and Listening
            • Assessment of Students’ Learning I
            • Remedial Instruction
            • Introduction to Linguistics (Lectures and Exercises)
            • English Language Teaching and Learning

Books (Sole Autorship)

            • Teaching of Listening and Reading – ISBN 978-971-0572-71-1
            • Winning Strategies in Writing – ISBN 987-971-0572-77-9
            • Study and Thinking Skills – ISBN 987-971-91369-5-8
            • Research and Technical Writing Made Easy – ISBN 978-971-93169-3-4
            • Challenges in Composition Writing – ISBN 978-971-91369-4-1

Books (with co-authors)

            • Developmental Reading I (Lectures and Exercises for Comprehension and Related Skills – ISBN 978-971-014-016-9
            • Effective English for College Freshman – ISBN 798-971-0572-66-3
            • World Literature Classical and Contemporary – ISBN 978-971-0572-70-0
            • Communication Arts and Skills (Worktext in English 123 – ISBN 798-971-0572-65-6
            • English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for Science and Technology Students – 978-971-0572-70-0
            • English 113 – ISBN 978-971-0572-70-0

BULACAN STATE UNIVERSITY , City of Malolos , Bulacan
Service Award (10, 15, and 20 years)