Dr. Maybel Fernandez Vallado
Dr. Maybel Fernandez Vallado has a PhD in Communication, Master’s Degree in ESL (English as a Second Language) and Bachelor of Arts in Communication (major in Broadcast Communication) from the University of the Philippines. She was a Lecturer in the International Foundation Programme (IFP) at Gulf College, Sultanate of Oman, from May 2008-February 2012 where she served as Module Leader for Academic English and Business English. She also taught Integrated Project, Communication Skills, and General English at the IFP.
Previously, she was Assistant Professor in the Division of Humanities at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas from 1994-2010. She has done researches and presented papers in the field of Communication and Second Language Learning, Using Media Technology in Educational Psychology, Empowering Women in Communication and prepared interactive teaching materials. She has a published paper in a peer reviewed Journal and served as editor and language editor in national and international publications. She taught Broadcast Communication courses, Journalism, Technical Writing, Basic Communication Skills and Communication Research.
Likewise, she was Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, in UP Visayas in charge of Linkages for local and international clients, and exchange students. Part of her task was also to look for possible funding and collaboration with other Universities.
As a Lecturer for Technical Writing for the Massive Upgrading Program of the CHED (Commission of Higher Education) in Western Visayas (Iloilo, Philippines), she taught research writing to higher education teachers as part of the requirements for their Master’s degree in Education.
Additional teaching experiences include: 1) training applicants for teaching jobs in the United States of America; 2) Lecturer for Intensive English for Koreans and 3) Tutor for English to 2 foreign graduate students for the College of Fisheries at the UP Visayas, Philippines. Prior to that, she worked as Information and Publication Officer also in UP Visayas. As a writer for the Newsletter, she was tasked to cover news events and publish annual reports and related jobs.
Her dissertation entitled: “Dynamics of Communication of Women Involved in Microfinance Projects” is published in DANYAG, UP Visayas Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, UP Visayas.
As a module writer/content developer, she has written various modules at AIDE.